It’s been really, really cold

It’s been really, really cold here.  Single digit temperatures, wind, and snow.  Not bicycling weather, even bundled, because there’s ice everywhere.  It all changed Friday as the polar vortex released its icy grip and the temperature shot up to almost freezing.  By Saturday morning, it was 45 degrees — time to break out the bike!

I went straight out the driveway and down the street.  Everything near me was clear, but fog rolled off the piles of snow and gathered in the dips and valleys.  By the time I reached the bike path, a steady rain was falling.  Between the fog and the rain, high noon felt like dusk.

On a lark, I took a detour through Tibbett’s park in Yonkers, gambling that the weather was keeping everyone home.  I only had to contend with a group of geese reluctant to give up their stroll.  These two pictures give you the sense of what it was like to cycle through — you couldn’t imagine from the photos that you’re in the fourth largest city in New York.

Bike Path in the Fog

Bike Path in the Fog

The View from the Ride

The View from the Ride