street photos in Washington Square

I haven’t written in a week and truthfully, I shouldn’t be writing now!  I’m behind in two classes I’m taking online and behind in review work I do for a journal.  The list goes on, but I’m enjoying a little break.  Time enough to knock off a few responsibilities by midnight — this is the first quiet hour I spent in several days.

I’ve been playing around with photos I took while shepherding the family and our two spanish guests on a hike through the city.

washington square park

I love the contrast between the crazy fellow on the left and the cyclist, who simply rode over to the stone bench to play.  The crazy man’s rant holds the crowd; the few watch the cyclist even as he performs scant feet away.  I do the opposite in processing the image by keeping the cyclist strictly centered and using the vignetting on the sides to marginalize the crazy.  Just another day in the park.

The photo below shows another cyclist who moved slowly through the same performing area moving between wheelie, trackstand, and then hopping onto and off the balustrades.  My favorite part here is the degree to which the cyclist exists in his own world, ignoring even the kid who swivels his head to watch.

wheelies in the park

I had a hard time getting the cyclist to ‘pop’ from the background, eventually resorting to cutting out the cyclist and working on the foreground and background separately.

Alas, it’s probably time to do some actual work now….

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