Cutting the cord



This is graffiti spray painted onto an electrical panel on the side of a wall.  My wife and I were taking the long way back to the hotel, fantasizing about what it would be like to have an apartment here, gazing out at the Mediterranean every morning and walking down to the market for food.  I saw the picture of the rat out of the corner of my eye, struck by the contrast between the grit of the graffiti and the idyllic patina of our dreamy wonderings.  The shot itself was taken wide open and sitting.  I took several moments to calm myself in an effort to minimize blur and then saturated the colors in post processing.

It’s the end of the second summer that I didn’t go off traveling.  That has pushed this blog into a weird place, although it was certainly fun right up until Spring.  I figure this will be the last post of this sort and then reinvent the location as something else in a few weeks.  Or just leave it sit until inspiration strikes!  Hope all is well out in the world; best to all.



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