Living with brain cancer from the inside.

  • Dexamethasone. Kepra. Rage. Sleeplessness. Impatience.

    I meditate. Take calming breaths. Read, nap, chat. It isn’t fair to lash out at anyone — but it’s so hard to keep the lid on. Kepra reduces the likelihood of seizures and leads to emotional instability. The dexamethasone is a cortico-steroid use to reduce brain inflammation … and leads to disordered sleep, anxiety, and […]

  • Seizures Suck

    July 2023. Started having seizures. Learned it was brain cancer. June 2024. Surgeries successful. Radiation successful. Immunotherapy successful. But I had a seizure while riding a bike. Hundreds of people on the Bronx River Parkway, closed for cyclists Sunday. I’m eternally grateful to the people who matter-of-factly helped me off the bike and onto the […]

  • Reading with Brain Damage

    The first book I read after brain surgery was Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood.  You don’t know me well enough to understand how incongruous that is.  I read cyberpunk, travelogues, dark mystery novels, and math journals.  Not romance novels with a science bent.   But here’s the thing.  Hazelwood writes clearly.  There are only […]

Here’s my reading list as I worked through the first year of recovery.

  • Left Neglected. Lisa Genova (2011). Fictional first-person narrative of the struggle to come to grips with living after TBI
  • Where is the Mango Princess? A Journey Back from Brain Injury. Cathy Crimmins (2001). TBI from the point of view of the caregiver.
  • Lifting Heavy Things: Healing Trauma One Rep at a Time. Laura Khoudari (2021). Recovering from trauma using strength training.